MIMURAは毎年いくつもの試作品の中から、“本当にいい”と思える商品が完成するまで発売致しません。それは、宣伝やパッケージではなく、お客様に商品をご使用いただいて、心から喜んでいただくことが全てだと考えているからです。「安心して使いたい」「美容成分には特にこだわりたい」 MIMURAはそんな、美に前向きなあなたをサポートいたします。
Each year, we develop numerous prototypes of Mimura products. We do not sell Mimura products until we believe the products are truly excellent. Our goal is to offer products that genuinely satisfy customers after using the products, not just after seeing the advertising and packaging. For customers who want to use safe products and are particular about beauty ingredients, Mimura products are designed to support those who are positive about beauty.
Representative greetings
We strive to develop and sell products—our mission is to support the various forms of ultimate beauty sought by women. Amid a sluggish economy, it is not easy for corporations to survive the fierce competition of the cosmetic business. Nevertheless, in a time like this, we remain particular about people based on the business principle of people, goods, and money. We focus on human connections and the development of personnel (human assets) to become a company that makes customers and employees happy. To this very day, we have received a wealth of advice, criticism, and encouragement from many people. We appreciate their thoughtful, warm consideration, which encourages us to continue our efforts to respond in good faith in the days to come. We pledge to continuously do our utmost to respond to customers’ trust and live up to their expectations. As we strive to develop excellent products for sale, we look forward to continued guidance and support from customers.
株式会社NAPO 代表取締役 三村 岳
November 1, 2015
NAPO Co., Ltd.Representative director Mimura
About Us
社 名 Company |
株式会社NAPO NAPO,inc. |
住 所 Address |
〒 541-0059 大阪市中央区博労町1丁目7番2号 堺筋トラストビル102号 1-7-2, Bakuroumachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi Sakaisuzi, trust building 102 TEL:06-6265-3858(代表) FAX:06-6265-3859 URL http://www.napo-cosme.jp Mail info@napo-cosme.jp |
代表者 Representative |
代表取締役 三村 岳 Director representative Mimura |
設 立 Establishment |
平成27年11月11日 November 11, 2015 |
事業内容 Production |
化粧品の企画・販売業 Production dealership of the cosmetics |
資本金 Capital |
30,000,000円 |
取引銀行 Bank |
三井住友銀行 船場支店 The bank of Mitsuisumitomo,LTD Senba branch |
Contact Us
●お電話でのお問い合わせ TEL : 06(6265)3858(代表)
※営業時間 平日9:00~17:00(土・日・祝日は休業日)
MAIL : info@napo-cosme.jp